Monday, August 29, 2016

Conceptual Arts Strategies- Artist Profile #3: Swoon

Swoon street art at 24th and Mission, San Francisco.

Swoon in from Brooklyn.  She's famous for her wheat pasted lino-cuts and papel-picado cut outs. The subject is mostly women and children and people she encounters in the world.Her world is about the celebration of love and friendship displayed by everyday people. She's skilled with a lino knife but her installations and sculptures are my favorites. She creates structures from string, scraps of fabric, beads, rope and paper. Her style and attention to detail make a much sought after artist all over the world. She displayed in San Francisco earlier 2016 at Chandran Gallery.

Detail of the papel-picado fan.
Swoon installation at New Orleans Museum of Art

Conceptual Arts Strategies- Artist Profile #2: Jualiana Santacruz Herrera

photo from

Juliana is a craft-guerrilla street artist that filled in cracks and potholes in the street. She documented these a Flickr account. The photos are taken in the streets of Paris. Not much could be found known of Juliana online. her work is an inspiration because sh isn't only beautifying something that's a physical eyesore in the outside world bus she's filling it in with crocheted colorful yarn. Crocheting craft is a tradition mainly done by older women. And up until a about a decade ago, before hipsters made it "hip" again you'd only see older women doing it. It was perceived as a traditional craft in the same genre as crafting. So Juliana by filling in the grand black gaps in public space with color she's inserting the feminine into the broken drab world.

Juliana Santacruz Herrera's Flickr

Conceptual Arts Strategies, Artist Profile #1: Rafa Esparza

Photo by LA Times

Rafa Esparza is a Latino, queer,  the creates performance, mixed media and installation art in Los Angeles. He's a multi-range artistic phenomenon. He performed this Summer at the Hammer Museum and it was a sensation! He had viewers mesmerized and moved. His work is about the convergence of Mexican and Indigenous natural themes, and proposes a feeling of nostalgia for earth-bound ancient cultures of the Maya, Aztecs. He performs at his installations, the rituals that he creates make the viewer feel like a voyeur in a time warp watching a queer modern-day shaman connect with his ancestors.

Rafa at LACE-2015

Rafa at the Hammer exhibit-2016

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Welcome Art 410- Feel free to comment!

New blog for my Art 410 class at SF State this fall 2016.
More Updates and Projects coming soon.

We Are the Brujas you didn't get to burn Series-- 2018

"We Are the Brujas you Didn't get to Burn" Series Bruja in the Oakland-16x"20" Oil on canvas Bruja in Los ...