Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Women Represented in Commercials in the 60's: Culture Jam Video- Fall 2016

It took me a few hours to learn the program just enough to work on this video. . It's for an Anthro class we're learning how to "culture jam" at SF State fall 2016. It's a first attempt, so be kind.

Augmented Body- Progress #1

I'm working on the final stage of the transformation as the fur is fully grown. The first stage and middle stage images will be posted soon.

The combination of these two images. 

I  used the masking filter, the transform tool and warp mode.I  used the masking filter, the transform tool and warp mode.

This is the final stage.

 This tutorial on youtube helped with the transformation.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Chance Encounters Drawing- Partner's Instructions

The other half of this project is to follow my partners instructions and perform it and document it. Following my partners directions for the Chance Encounters Project, listed on Sam Stollerman's Blog. I tweaked the rules a bit and I involved several friends to participate last Friday, at a party at my house. We used a spinner and came up with a list of animals 1-5. The order of body parts went from top-to-bottom, starting with the head, torso, adding arms, then legs and finally, tails. The second spin was to determine how many of each body part the animal would be drawn. The torso was the only part of the body that didn't get a second spin, so the animal only got one torso. It was super fun! The Party was off and running after this activity! Thanks, Sam!

Here is the product of the unholy Frankenstein-Dr.Moreua-like creature we created using the chance rules. I loved it so much that I started a follow up project. I started a painting from this collaborative drawing. More updates coming soon!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Augmented Body Sketches- Auto-Fur Growth

I'm always cold. I am cold on my face and my feet. I'm on my bike and a sudden wind hits and my hands are cold, my face gets cold. Or I'm drawing or on the computer I'm having a good flow and i'm but I don't want to stop and put on gloves or a sweater. Also  when i get out of the shower I'd warm up so fast! So I want a way that i can grow fur on command so that I get instantly warm. These are the preliminary sketches of what it might look like.
Soft fuzz to cat-like fur starts to grow on my arms and face. Then when i'm warmed up again it can retract. I'm gonna save so much time!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Chance Operations Documentation Video

 My Friend Lili helped out with the videography and stills for the Chance Encounters assignment. And other friends participated. We added our pop culture flavor since we're big Stranger Things fans. 

Set up for Chance Operations Project

1. Set up large paper pad or loose paper on a clear wall. Gather pencils, brushes, and whichever desired media to draw or paint with.

2. Set up a projector to project onto the paper. (alternative; large TV and Slide see-through sheets)

3. Go to Stumbleupon.com  log in or create a free account. Click on the "photos" tab in the top menu
   this will be the photo source for the projections.

4. Set a timer for 1-5 minutes, depending on how much time you’d like to do each session. I started      with 1-2 minute sessions and then increased the time.

5. Start the timer then  start click “Stumble” on the webpage and then trace the image that is being projected onto the piece of paper. When the timer stops click stumble again to get a different image and trace that one either superimposed or fill up the paper completely with images.

6. Lastly, turn off the projector and admire your collage drawing!

The Chance Encounters Drawings

  The Chance Encounters Drawings from the video. 
Artists: Sugey Salazar, Josue Bustos, Hector Solis, Lilly Alvarez

Monday, September 12, 2016

Chance Operations- Set up for Chance Operations Project

Set up for Chance Operations Project

1. Set up large paper pad or loose paper on a clear wall. Gather pencils, brushes, and whichever desired media to draw or paint with.

2. Set up a projector to project onto the paper. (alternative; large TV and Slide see-through sheets)

3. Go to Stumbleupon.com  log in or create a free account. Click on the "photos" tab in the top menu
   this will be the photo source for the projections.

4. Set a timer for 1-5 minutes, depending on how much time you’d like to do each session. I started      with 1-2 minute sessions and then increased the time.

5. Start the timer then  start click “Stumble” on the webpage and then trace the image that is being projected onto the piece of paper. When the timer stops click stumble again to get a different image and trace that one either superimposed or fill up the paper completely with images.

6. Lastly, turn off the projector and admire your collage drawing!

The Augmented Body- Lisa Park: Can move water and make sounds with her mind!

The possibility to move water or objects with your mind, that's sci-fi nerdy stuff only in the movies or comics! Not anymore!!

Lisa Park is doing it now with an enhancement headset. It's set to read her brain vibrations and  she's using an "EEG headset to measure my brain activities and translate the data into sound waves that vibrated the five dishes of water sitting atop speakers – visually and audibly expressing my state of consciousness....The intensity of the sounds mirrored the intensity of my current emotions detected by the EEG. As a result, the water responded, in real time, with different formations of ripples and droplets in unpredictable patterns. "

from: Euonia

Programmer and Sound Designer: Tony Lim

from  It's like Proffessor X and Jean Grey but in reality! Feel free to let your brain explode...right...now. (Boom!)

The article on her in the Creators Project Magazine was the first time I found out about her.

Here's the video from her website to see the performances:

The Augmented Body- Amy Karle: Skeletal Modifications

You've Heard of Them in the Closet But Skeletons in the Petri Dish? Amy Karle is an artist that works with DNA and 3D printers to simulate human bones and recreate them to look more aesthetically pleasing. She's a local artist in San Francisco that was serving as the artist in residence at Pier 9. There she's come up witht the possibility to recreate human skeletons via 3d printing and the results are stunning! 

She claims that the potential use of these designer bones could bring a new wave of fashionable modifiable body parts. The physical body is not just a creation of nature, she's optimistic about the possibilities of science and art making discoveries for medical discoveries.


The Augmented Body- Never worry about being locked out EVER AGAIN!

The Inventor and biohacker Amal Graafstra, Founder of Dangerous Things Website provides a safe way to Biohack yourself.  He's the innovator that made the chip implant to enable the automatic door unlocker. It's a convenience that he was interested in since the early 2000's. He took the technology from the locator chip for pets one step further. 

It's a form of cyborgic treatment that serves a specific everyday purpose. It's a simple and cheap implant, the Dangerous Things site sells kits so the average person can even do it themselves. 
I'm not gonna do myself, but kudos to those that have the cojones to try it!

Ted Talk

We Are the Brujas you didn't get to burn Series-- 2018

"We Are the Brujas you Didn't get to Burn" Series Bruja in the Oakland-16x"20" Oil on canvas Bruja in Los ...