The possibility to move water or objects with your mind, that's sci-fi nerdy stuff only in the movies or comics! Not anymore!!
Lisa Park is doing it now with an enhancement headset. It's set to read her brain vibrations and she's using an "EEG headset to measure my brain activities and translate the data into sound waves that vibrated the five dishes of water sitting atop speakers – visually and audibly expressing my state of consciousness....The intensity of the sounds mirrored the intensity of my current emotions detected by the EEG. As a result, the water responded, in real time, with different formations of ripples and droplets in unpredictable patterns. "
from: Euonia
Programmer and Sound Designer: Tony Lim
from It's like Proffessor X and Jean Grey but in reality! Feel free to let your brain (Boom!)
The article on her in the Creators Project Magazine was the first time I found out about her.
Here's the video from her website to see the performances:
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